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Thursday, April 10, 2014

Edgar Allan Poe's Career

  • In 1827, Edgar Allan Poe published, "Tamberlane and Other Poems", which was his first book he wrote.
  • Around the time he published his first book, he enrolled in the army.
  • In 1830, he won a spot in West Point which was the military academy that he originally wanted to go to.
  • In 1829, Poe published another book he wrote called "Al Aaraaf, Tamberline, and Minor Poems".
  • He did an outstanding job at West Point, but he was later kicked out of West Point since he didn't carry out his duties the correct way.
  • Poe constantly argued with his foster father while he was at West Point and finally decided to never deal with him ever again.
  • He decided to focus on writing after he left West Point.
  • He was constantly searching for opportunities all over.
  • He lived in Baltimore, Richmond, New York City, and Philadelphia while he was on the search for opportunities in writing.
  • He lived with his aunt Maria Clemm and her daughter Virginia in Baltimore from 1831-1835.
  • Virgina was a literary encouragement and a true love to Poe.
  • In 1836, they both got married.
  • Virginia was only 13 years old when she married Edgar Allan Poe.
  • In 1835, Poe returned to Richmond.
  • Immediately when returning to Richmond, he went to work for Southern Literary Magazine.
  • While working for Southern Literary Magazine, he wrote malicious reviews along with his own writing.
  • In the magazine, he included two parts of his novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym.
  • In 1837, he decided to leave the Southern Literary Magazine due to issues he had with drinking alcohol, his vicious reviews, and his personality.
  • Then he shortly worked for two other papers called Burton's Gentleman's Magazine and The Broadway Journal.

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